Meet the Team of Angels
Dedication. Passion. Dogs
Between the eight of us, we have 16 dogs!

Kelly Parker
The enthusiastic one. If it were up to Kelly, she would save all of the dogs. Kelly's determination to always do more is where the creation of KS Angels came from. Married to Sam - the long-suffering one. Co-pawrent of Kela, Dana, Bo and Scout.

Sam Collins
The voice of reason. Balances the emotional response of Kelly with a more logical approach. Sam is the man with the plan. Has not complained too much about losing his house to a constant stream of foster dogs. Co-pawrent of Kela, Dana, Bo and Scout.

Simon Day
The northern one. Simon is almost as bad as Kelly, evidenced by the 5 dogs he owns. 3 of which, Kelly had a hand in. Simon adopted Buddy alongside Django, one of the 'Stow Market 9'. He also owns Poppy, Cookie and Bruno.

Amy Smith
Where logic and emotion fight a battle to the death. Amy is cool, calm and collected... on the outside. She adds to Sam's voice of reason, even though it means fighting her own feelings on the matter. She is so good at it, that she and Rory also adopted Junior, one of the 'Stow Market 9'. Co-servant of Poppy and Ruddles.

Lisa Wetherall
Networker extraordinaire. Lisa is the friendly one. Everybody loves to talk to her and she uses this superpower for good. She is an expert at finding interest in our dogs. Dog-mummy to Bailey and former fosterer of Bruno.

Rory Smith
'The compliancy guy'. Deals with things that the others don't want to do. Total sucker for a cute face. Definitely didn't cave first when considering adopting Junior. Co-servant of Poppy and Ruddles.
Our Resident Dogs

Brother of Scout. Owned by Simon